Opens Friday, May 10, 2024, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM EST
"For the Art of Roller Skating” is a dynamic and colorful exhibition that explores the rich cultural tapestry and kinetic beauty of roller skating. This immersive collection showcases the multifaceted nature of skating as a form of artistic expression and a symbol of community, resilience, and freedom. Through diverse mediums, the artists capture the fluid movements, emotional depths, and social connections that roller skating fosters.
“For the Art of Roller Skating” celebrates the artistry and athleticism of roller skating and delves into its historical roots and resurgence as a tool for social change and empowerment. Through interactive panels and QR codes, visitors can learn about the evolution of skating gear, the role of skating in civil rights movements, and contemporary efforts to reclaim urban spaces for community engagement and artistic expression.
This exhibition is a tribute to the enduring allure of roller skating and its ability to inspire creativity, foster connections, and challenge societal norms. It invites viewers to reflect on how movement can transcend boundaries and spark profound cultural conversations when harnessed as an art form. This gallery exhibition will also feature a live DJ and roller skating throughout the gallery. Please bring your skates!